July-August 2003 International Summer School Vespucci 2003 on Location Based Services + Spatial Data Infrastructures - Firenze (IT) Scietific Comitee: Prof. Michael F. Goodchild, Prof. Ian Masser, Prof. Henk Scholten, Prof. Antonio Camara, Prof. Werner Khun, Prof. Massimo Craglia, Prof. Michael Gould, Prof. Richard Weber, Prof. Cristina Capineri

March 2003 Doctoral Degree in Urban & Regional Planning. Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Dipartimento di Ingegneria del Territorio.
Doctoral thesis: Le tecnologie dell'informazione spaziale per il governo dei processi insediativi (Geographic Information Technology & ICT for spatial planning)

November 2002 International Winter School for PhD students on Satellite Applications to Archaeology, Natural Site Monitoring and Urban Planning EURISY/International Space University, Strasbourg, France – 31 October – 4 November 2002

July-August 2002 - I International Summer School in GI Science. Chair: Prof. Dr. Werner Kuhn. Muenster, Germany

September 2001 UNIGIS International Summer School in GIS. Chair Prof. Bela Markus, Prof. Joseph Strobl. Sopron, Hungary

July 2001 Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science, CSISS Summer Workshop "Map Making and Visualization of Spatial Data in the Social Science. Director Prof. M.F. Goodchild - Workshop Coordinator Dr. S. Fabrikant. University of California, Santa Barbara.

July 2001 Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science, CSISS Summer Workshop "Map Making and Visualization of Spatial Data in the Social Science. Director Prof. M.F. Goodchild - Workshop Coordinator Dr. S. Fabrikant. University of California, Santa Barbara.

February 2001 International School in Archaeology "Archeologia e Urbanistica". Chair Prof. D. Manacorda. Certosa di Pontignano, Siena (IT).

August 2000 VI International Federation of Housing and Planning Summer School. "Better Public space in small town". Chair Prof. R. Radovic -Helsinki-Porvoo-Jivaskila (FI).

June 2000 Summer School in Multicriteria Decision Aid - Chair Prof :P. Vincke -Acireale, Catania (IT).

February 2000 First at the National Competition for a Ph.D. Scholarship at the Università di Cagliari.

December 1997-December 1998
Postgraduate course "Urbanistica: ambiente e territorio" (Town planning: territory and environment) at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria del Territorio (DIT), Università di Cagliari .

October 1997 Laurea in Ingegneria (M.Sc.) (Degree in Civil Engineering) at Università di Cagliari.
Degree Thesis: "Sperimentazione di un Geographic Information System (GIS) per la gestione degli interventi di recupero nel centro storico" (Search on GIS/IT support to re-development action management in historical city centres).



1997-2003 Research assistant at the Department of Regional Planning (DIT), University of Cagliari.

1999- Consultancies for:
Università degli Studi de L'Aquila, DAU
Porto Terminal Mediterraneo S.P.A
Forma Urbis S.P.A.
Studio 2000 s.a.s
Studio Arch. Batzella
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna

2001- URBANGIS Lab, DIT AGILE contact person

1999 Professional Training Stage at Unification of The Archaeological Sites of Athens S.A., Athens (GR) from August to December 1999. Leonardo EU Programme grant-holder.
Research Consultant at Università di Cagliari - DIT - "Implementation and Design of an Urban GIS" and " Implementation and Design of a web-GIS "

1998-1999 Military service as Reserve Officer in the Italian Navy.

1997-2000 Periodical collaboration at various Firms and Organisations such as:

• Dipartimento di Ingegneria del Territorio, Università di Cagliari

• areaprogetti s.r.l. (Architecture & Civil Engineering), Cagliari.

• Studio Deplano (Urban Planning), Cagliari.

1994-1997 Periodical collaboration at IMC (Organisation of Congresses and Cultural Events), Cagliari.



Research Assistant at DIT he collaborates at various International, National and Local research projects. Among others:

• PROYECTO LOC00-/PT/HV PDHL /CUBA "APOYO AL PLAN MAESTRO PARA LA GESTION Y PLANEAMIENTO DE LA REHABILITACION INTEGRAL DEL CENTRO HISTORICO DE LA HABANA" - Instituciones Responsables de la Ejecución: Plan Maestro para la Revitalización Integral de La Habana Vieja /Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana (OHCH)- Cuba - Università degli Studi di Cagliari / Dipartimento di Ingegneria del Territorio / Italia - Regione Autonoma della Sardegna Assessorato degli Enti Locali Finanze e Urbanistica / Italia.

• INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "Historical City Sustainable Re-Development - Theory, Methods, Applications" Cagliari IT) September 27-28, 2001 - Scientific Secretariat.

• Morfogenesi dello Spazio Urbano - Cagliari Research Unit . MURST 40% - National Coordinator Prof. Elio Piroddi. Local Coordinator Prof. Giancarlo Deplano.

• CNR - QUATER Research Project - Cagliari Research Unit. National Coordinator Prof. Gianludovico Rolli. Local Coordinator Prof. Giancarlo Deplano.

• Sardinian Historical City Centres Redevelopment Laboratoies -Scientific Coorinator Prof. Giancarlo Deplano.

• Histocity Network,. Scientist in Charge Prof. Maria Antonietta Esposito. Università di Firenze-Faculty of Architecture-Dip. P.M.P.E.



Italian Mother-language
English Fluent spoken and written (advanced level).
Spanish Basic (working knowledge).
French Basic written and spoken (beginners level)
Greek Basic written and spoken (beginners level)



Advanced Skills in computers; Operating Systems; GIS; Database management; Query languages; Programming Languages; Internet; CAD; and more.



• Campagna, M. (2003) Planning with the environment in the digital age: Towards environment-consistent Planning (Support Systems). European Science Foundation: European Research Conference EuResCo on Socio-Economic Research and Geographic Information Systems: GI for Health and environment -Spa, Belgium 9-14 March

• Campagna, M (2002) “Use of Spatial Information and Communication Technologies in Urban and Regional Planning, and in Archaeological Assets and Cultural Heritage Preservation and Management” . International Winter School for PhD students on Satellite Applications to Archaeology, Natural Site Monitoring and Urban Planning, Strasbourg, France – 31 October – 4 November

• Campagna, M. - Deplano, G. (2002) "LE TECNOLOGIE DELL’INFORMAZIONE GEOGRAFICA PER IL RECUPERO DEI CENTRI STORICI. IL CASO DI CAGLIARI" Oral Communication at Convegno Nazionale INU “Sistemi informativi territoriali: dalle banche dati a strumento di governo del territorio, Trieste 28-29 giugno 2002

• Campagna, M. (2002) "“The Geographic Information Technology support to historic urban centers redevelopment process: towards a communicative approach”Oral Communication as INVITED SPEAKER at the European Seminar: “SPATIAL INFORMATION AND SOCIAL PROCESSES: EUROPEAN AND GREEK EXPERIENCE ?? G.I.S.” Thessaloniki June 27-28, 2002

• Campagna, M. - Deplano, G. (2002) "Online GI as support to collaborative planning processes: towards online Public Participation GIS." EuResCo on Geovisualization -Albufeira, Portugal 9-14 March 2002
Campagna, M. (2001) "The GIS support to sustainable re-development action management in archaeological-sensitive urban areas." Workshop "Archaeologie und Computer" Vienna, 5-6 November.

• Campagna, M. (2001) "Virtual info-desk as support in urban re-development management: A case study on historical city centre." EuResCo: Socio-Economic Research and Geographic Information Systems- The Digital City: A EuroConference -Granada, Spain, 9-14 June 2001

• Campagna, M. (2000). "GIS and Urban Planning". - VI IFHP Summer School - Porvoo Finland - 8 August 2000

• Campagna, M. , Lecca, M.(1998). "Il GIS per l'analisi del tessuto urbanistico ed edilizio per il recupero ed il riuso dei Centri Storici" Conference: "Sistemi informativi Territoriali per la pianificazione e gestione del territorio", October 1998 Cagliari.

• Campagna, M. , Atzeri; F. (1998). "Identità dei luoghi e identità urbana : un'applicazione GIS per la gestione del piano del colore del centro storico di Cagliari". Conference: "Sistemi informativi Territoriali per la pianificazione e gestione del territorio", October 1998 Cagliari.

• Campagna, M. , Deplano, G. , Onnis, I (1998). "Geographic Information Systems for the management of actions of recovery in city centres" - International Conference: GIS for the 21st Century, Luglio 1998, Udine.